In his speech about gun control, President Biden said “enough is enough,” and we have to do something to “stop the carnage.” He could take one significant step today to reduce the bloodshed without congressional approval – if he really wanted to. But he won’t because the debate about gun control is dishonest and that step would be too close to home.

When Hunter Biden, his son, filled out the necessary paperwork to buy a firearm several years ago, he lied on the application. He was prohibited from owning a gun because he was a crack addict. If he had not lied about that fact, his application would have been rejected. The application has his name, address and Social Security number as well as the make, model and serial number of the weapon that changed hands.

We not only have the opportunity to take the gun from him, we also have the opportunity to arrest him for a serious crime. All the president has to do is call a federal marshal to pick up the gun. He doesn’t need a swat team to do that.

Prosecuting Hunter Biden would send a powerful message to straw-buyers and criminals who lie to illegally acquire guns that not even the president’s son is above the law.

Imagine if the offender’s name had been Donald Trump Jr.

Walter J. Eno

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