Portland High School Class of 1960 62nd reunion luncheon, 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 8 at the Stockhouse Restaurant & Sports Pub, 506 Main St., Westbrook. Advance reservations due Thursday by contacting either Patti Nevers at 747-4814 or lpnevers@maine.rr.com; or Pat Sangillo at 603-746-4931 or psangillo@mcttelecom.com.
Falmouth High School Class of 1967 55th reunion, 5 to 9 p.m. Sept. 17 at DiMillo’s Restaurant, 25 Long Wharf, Portland. Cost is $68 per person and includes appetizers, a dinner buffet and cash bar. Casual attire. Reservations required by Sept. 7. Contact Maddy Allen Rowell at 838-1190 or email maddyr67@icloud.com.
Army Second Infantry Division Association, at Olivia, N.C., is seeking to notify service members of a planned 99th annual reunion from Sept. 28 to Oct. 2 in Kansas City, Missouri. Contact Mike Davino at 2ida.pao@charter.net or call 919-498-1910.
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