It is easy to blame the current administration for inflation, supply chain problems and rising interest rates. Looking around, however, it is not so easy to simply dump the responsibility on Democrats or the administration.

Around the world, inflation has been at about 8 to 9 percent over the past year. Gasoline prices in industrialized countries have been about $6 to $8 per gallon. The current administration does not have control over global inflation or gas prices.

In the International Monetary Fund, 10 countries had greater increases in housing prices than did the United States in 2020. Supply chain issues, causing food and production shortages, are also global.

So, blaming President Biden for all of this is just political talk: cheap and misleading. I am disappointed that the media do not indicate the global extent of these problems when they report the administration’s low popularity figures and put the blame for inflation, interest rates and supply chain issues on them.

Oh, and Biden is not responsible for the crazy global weather and climate changes, either.

Daniel Krell

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