Medical problems can leave families in a financial bind even in the best of economic times.

This year, with the inflated cost of living also straining household budgets, many families experiencing health challenges are turning to the Press Herald Toy Fund for help to make sure their children have something to smile about during the holidays.

One mother of two young boys wrote to the Toy Fund that she can’t do it all this year. She is single and both her sons have significant disabilities, she wrote.

“I am blessed to be able to be called mom to them but I miss a lot of work to ensure all their medical health and other supports are attended to. This is the only reason I’m asking for help – to help provide them with a Christmas they deserve and will enjoy.

“Thank you for any support you may have.”

Another single mother wrote to the fund to ask for help for her 7-year-old son after she had health challenges related to her pregnancy. She is expecting the birth of a second child this month.


“The pregnancy has had many complications and it limited the amount of hours I am able to work to ensure the baby is healthy. I am asking for any help during this time …

“Thank you.”

Donations from readers purchased toys and books for those children and thousands of others who might otherwise be left out during the holidays.


In memory of Doris Cook, long time supporter of the Toy Fund, with love from her family. From Edward Cook $100
In loving memory of Linda Ford, from the DeLuca family $50
With love from MollyMolly $75
In memory of my daughter, Elizabeth Clark $50
Doug & Debbie $100
Anonymous $200
All my 6 grandchildren contributed to this donation so that other children may have a better Christmas! XO YaYa/Grammie $140
Charles L. Sims $100
Matthew & Emily Bullard $50
Michael & Nancy Miller $100
May the peace & joy of the holidays be with you! $200
Bill & Valerie Sowles $250
From #8 of the 12C’s $120
Anonymous $100
In memory of Joan Kincaid, much missed by family. Eric Herlan $50
Celia & Victor Wakefield $30
In memory of David Styles $200
Anonymous $100
From Arlo and Mia $100
In memory of George & Marie Larsen and Warren and Mary Nelsen. Merry Christmas! David & Elaine Larsen $250
May love and laughter light up your life this holiday! Ms. Marianne $20
In memory of John and Charlotte LaCrosse. Teresa and Don $100
One of Santa’s helpers $30
With love from Sam, Nora and Mae $100
Happy Holidays #6 of the 12Cs $120
In memory of my dear friend’s mom, Charlotte Lacrosse. Merry Christmas! The Tinsman Family $75
In loving memory of our mom and nana, Ann Rohland Dickey, who loved children and loved Christmas! From the Tinsman Family $75
Mary Lou Lemaire $50
Merry Christmas. Dale and Diane Inman $50
From Joe, Maggie & the girls $75
Martin P. Flynn $50
In honor of our grandchildren. Susannah and Bud Stiker $100
Thank you for caring $100
In memory of Beverly Wallace $500
Bruce and Jan Maggs $50
In loving memory of Garrett Brackett. Love Always, Mom, Dad, Alyssa, Libby and Reegan $100
In memory of Uncle Claude $50
In memory of John and June Bowman $100
In Memory of David and Helen Getchell $100
In honor of Henry, Finley and Olivia Atwood. Merry Christmas. $50
Jim and Sue Hodge $200
Alison Skoczenski $100
In memory of my mom, Nancy Loeffel. Debra Maley $50
Anonymous $100
Happy Christmas!  $30
Anonymous $100
Anonymous $150
Anonymous $100
Susan Robinson $100
Anonymous $100
Alice Adams $30
In honor of Hartley and Tena Welch $100
Matt and Ali Mathias $100
May every child benefit from the generosity of the donors. $100

TOTAL TO DATE: $65,707.49


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