I note, in the Jan. 26 edition of the Press Herald, an article about the Portland Harbor dredging project (“Snyder urges lawmakers to leave harbor dredging allocation alone,” Page B1). It appears the state wants to claw back the $10 million commitment they made in the last legislative session to help provide funds for this badly needed work.

Boats lie in silt during low tide at Sturdivant’s Wharf along Portland Harbor in 2016. Brianna Soukup/Staff Photographer, File

About four years ago, the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis conducted an economic survey about the state of Maine and what the economic benefit is in each of Maine’s 16 counties. The results showed that nearly 50% of the Maine economic engine comes from Cumberland and York counties. A great deal of that comes through Portland Harbor. In order to keep the harbor piers functioning, 70 years of silt needs to be removed.

I want to thank Mayor Kate Snyder for taking the initiative to tell the state, and Gov. Mills, to leave the $10 million they committed to the project in place! The Legislature should not fall back on their commitments. Let us keep the “Port” in Portland!

Jerry Angier

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