The 14th Amendment reads: “no person … shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion … or given aid and or comfort to…” There’s no mention of being charged or tried. According to the dictionary, “engage” is defined as “morally committed to a particular aim or cause.” Donald Trump’s cause was disrupting the peaceful transfer of power to put himself back in office.
People are concerned about not having the chance to vote if he is removed from ballots. That is exactly the problem. The people did have a vote. In 2020, we had a presidential election. Mr. Trump was voted out of office. He lost both the popular vote and the Electoral College. He had the option of accepting the results and returning to run in 2024. He’d have come to a warm welcome. Instead, he focused on a shyster’s tactics of lying and using devious ploys to keep himself in the headlines for four years, including leveling charges of fraud and other wrongdoing (all the while raising donations to fund his efforts), though the courts did not back his claims.
Sure, he did not follow his people to the Capitol like he said he would. He went into hiding and let the crowd run its course. Other countries have criminal elements in charge. But the United States of America is better than that – so says a lifelong unaffiliated, 86-year-old widow.
Jan Roberson
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