With its “unconditional support” for Israel, the United States is now complicit in the ethnic cleansing of Gaza’s Palestinian population.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has just confirmed that Israel’s military actions, which have reduced much of northern Gaza to rubble, destroying countless homes, schools, hospitals and businesses, will be replicated in the middle and then the southern areas. When that happens, the residents of Gaza will have no safe place to go. Israel will not allow Gazans to return north … to the piles of rubble that remain.

Israel plans to force all Palestinians out of Gaza, to Egypt, so that Israel can steal the land. Another Nakba. This, while the whole world is watching.

It’s time for Americans to wake up, speak out loudly and make our politicians listen. We have been complicit in Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians for far too long. Without American weapons, tax dollars and diplomatic support at the U.N., Israel would have a tough time. With the U.S. leading an international coalition, Israel would back down. How long would Israel last against sanctions like those placed on Russia?

To avoid sanctions, Israel must immediately agree to accept a Palestinian state including all of the West Bank and Gaza, with East Jerusalem as its capital. A strong international force should patrol the border to ensure peace. Until Israel complies, support the BDS movement: Boycott all things Israeli, divest from Israeli investments and sanction the Israeli government.

The time to act is now.

John Merrill

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