Rep. Poppy Arford, D-Brunswick, and Brunswick Town Councilor Sande Updegraph will hold constituent office hours from 9:30-11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 10, at The Abbey (87 Maine St., Brunswick) to provide local residents a chance to meet with their elected officials and discuss local and state government matters. Arford represents House District 101 and Updegraph serves Town Council District 4.

Rep. Poppy Arford. Courtesy of Poppy Arford
“I’m looking forward to meeting with Brunswick residents and sharing updates from the Legislature,” Arford said in a prepared release. “This includes bills I’ve sponsored and supported to benefit our community by requiring health care price transparency, protecting our reproductive rights and access to contraceptives, firearm safety and violence protection, and addressing the emergency housing crisis.”

Sande Updegraph. Courtesy of Sande Updegraph
“I always look forward to meeting with citizens of Brunswick and hearing their comments on important current issues,” Updegraph said. “This is the time of year that we begin creating the budget for the next fiscal year, and it is important that I hear about priorities for our residents.”
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