After a four-hour hearing that ran late into the night, the Brunswick Zoning Board of Appeals put off its decision on a challenge filed against the proposed Wilbur’s Woods affordable housing project.
Thursday’s hearing stems from the Planning Board’s Jan. 9 approval of the development through the town’s streamlined approval process, which has since been placed under a moratorium. Chris Teel, a local who appealed the project on behalf of other Brunswick residents, listed 13 arguments, including concerns of inadequate public notice, zoning issues and negative traffic impact, claiming the board erred in its decision to approve the project. The appeal also noted that the development could attract low-income renters that would not be as interested in preserving the property as nearby homeowners.
Teel, a Brunswick resident, acknowledged in the proceedings that he may not be an aggrieved party since he does not currently live in the neighborhood where the development will be located.
“I have no financial interest in this,” he said at the meeting. “My interest is my community, which I love.”
After a lengthy process of deciding who had actual standing in the matter, the Zoning Board determined that while Teel could not be considered an aggrieved party, he is authorized to represent the residents who abut the development.
The Zoning Board also questioned both the developer’s (GreenMars) and the Planning Board’s attorneys on proper notice for the January meeting.
Jean Powers, an abutting resident, said she did not receive notice of the Planning Board meeting, which was set to make up for an improperly noticed meeting for the development that occurred in November 2023.
Attorney Cameron Ferrante, who represented the town, argued that the Planning Board adequately notified all abutting residents through mail and publication in The Times Record. He added that the Planning Board is only required to mail the notices out, and that it does not bear responsibility if a resident doesn’t receive notice.
GreenMars had hoped to put the situation behind them with Thursday’s meeting.
“We were hoping for a conclusion tonight,” said GreenMars’ Principal Managing Partner Chris Marshall. “But we think the hearing went well.”
The Zoning Board of Appeals is expected to schedule the follow-up meeting within the next 30 days to deliberate and make a decision.
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