As reported in the Kennebunk Post, school psychologist Thomas Moyer – the founder of conservative group that opposes transgender ideology – spoke to a group of concerned parents at Regional School Unit 21 and defended his right to a different point of view. I couldn’t agree more. However, when Moyer goes on to say that a different point of view isn’t causing violence, I would disagree.

If we’re talking about cookies – for example, chocolate chip vs. Fig Newtons – he’s probably correct; however, when he takes up an issue as charged as LGBTQ rights, he might want to take a step back.

In the last few years, “different points of view” have been the basis for a surge in violence across the country. Jan. 6 stands out as a ready example, as does the tragic death of Nex Benedict in Oklahoma, but a quick search of reputable websites will readily produce a host of others – especially situations involving conflicting ideas about juvenile sexuality.

In the melee, it is easy for some to forget that these children are real people with real feelings and are as properly deserving of the world’s respect as any of us. Indeed, for one’s sexuality to be questioned – and worse, to be denigrated – is as senseless as calling out a child for the color of his skin, his religion or his ancestry.

John Forssen

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