The article in the July 26 Press Herald about the $69 million granted to the state of Maine to combat climate change contains quotes from Maine’s elected officials, both state and federal, praising the grant and reminding us of the dangers of climate change.

For over five years I have asked those same offices how is it that the Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad, located on the east end of Commercial Street, is allowed to operate either their 2-stroke engine or the coal-fired one within a yard of a public walkway? I have been told that the 2-stroke engine is grandfathered in and the coal-fired one is under the authority of the Railroad Administration and neither the City of Portland’s sustainability office nor the state environmental agency has the power to do anything about it.

I have watched the rail operation on the last four Sunday mornings fire up the coal engine, with black smoke coming out of the stack, to take riders on the less-than-a-mile long “amusement” ride while allowing the engine to run at idle in excess of eight hours. I am not a “tree hugger” or a “tree mugger,” just a private citizen who finds these officials disingenuous when they speak of the dangers of ignoring the coming climate crisis.

Dan Milligan

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