I keep hearing and reading questions from the media, asking Donald Trump whether he will “accept” the results of the upcoming 2024 election. I am offended by the question.

When placing one’s name on the ballot of a democratic nation, there is an implicit and explicit agreement being made that one will honor the rules. Donald Trump, like Kamala Harris, has made that commitment. The question then becomes whether he will honor it.

I don’t care what Donald Trump “accepts.” He doesn’t accept the reality of climate change; he doesn’t accept that his opponent can be biracial; he doesn’t accept that POWs are war heroes. He weirdly doesn’t accept a lot of things that are true. He is not the authority on any of these things. He is most certainly not the authority on what constitutes the legitimate outcome of U.S. elections. Ballots, and in some cases, the courts, determine the results. After more than eight years of this nonsense, I’ve tuned out what he does or doesn’t accept.

A better question, which focuses on him and his character, not on his distorted, bizarre world view: Will he be honorable?

Fred Wolff

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