A friend and veteran of foreign wars mentioned, “Veterans in Maine know the wages of war are more than just dollars or cents, with many veterans admitting it is too much to bear.”

I didn’t think much about it until after Aug. 26, 2021, when the fallout from the devastating withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the horrors at Abbey Gate, provoked a veteran mental health crisis in Maine. Veteran mental health hotlines were overloaded, and compounding the issue, veteran mental health services declined due to not reopening after 2020.

I plead to Topsham voters to prioritize our forgotten heroes. We need a compassionate veteran who served his time, but then continued serving his community upon returning home. That veteran is Guy Lebida, who is running for the Maine Legislature for House District 98. Please join me in sending Guy Lebida to the Maine Legislature, so we trust that Maine veterans will not be forgotten post-Election Day.

Allen Sarvinas

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