Recently, a reader complained in your letters section that there were no communications in praise of Trump’s return to the presidency (“Where are the letters celebrating Trump’s win?” Nov. 17). I feel his pain, as I, too, have yearned to see him be our leader again.

For years we’ve had the current “crime family,” led by a well-mannered civil servant with decades of Deep State experience. Now we will have a real man, someone who has bravely confronted his 34 felony convictions, thwarted accusations of vote tampering and top-secret document hoarding, and whose acknowledged lust for women is well known.

He fearlessly incited a violent insurrection over an election loss, and we, the grateful taxpayers, should simply each pay our share for the damage to the Capitol, a mere $1,000 or two each – unless the top earners whose wealth he enabled feel obligated to pay up for the estimated $2.7 billion in related losses.

He has triumphantly escaped penalties, thus far, only to be rewarded. And now, it seems we’ll be inaugurating a government run by celebrity apprentices, media personalities, predators and conspiracy pushers. RIP, Deep State!

Dawn Leland

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