Like so many of us, I am still trying to understand how Donald Trump, with all that has been revealed to us all about him, has been elected to return to the presidency. He is a 34-count convicted felon, an adjudicated sexual predator, a documented business and tax cheat, a serial adulterer, relentless braggart and liar, a racist demagogue and a traitor who undermines our allies and praises brutal dictators, who attempted to overthrow the previous presidential election and persists to this day in the lie that it was “stolen” from him.

Maybe the the following quote will shed some light on this soon-to-prove tragic electoral outcome. It is from the chapter on propaganda in Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” a book that Trump’s first wife, Ivana, testified that her then-husband kept bedside.

“All propaganda should be popular and should adapt its intellectual level to the receptive ability of the least intellectual of those it is desired to address. Thus it must sink its mental elevation deeper in proportion to the numbers of the mass whom it has to grip … The receptive ability of the masses is very limited, and their understanding small; on the other hand, they have a great power of forgetting. This being so, all effective propaganda must be confined to very few points which must be brought out in the form of slogans.” Sound familiar?

Steve Pritz

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