The historical goal of comics is typically to bring a chuckle to brighten our day. Laughter is healing in a time when depressing news of wars and madmen attacks (such as the recent New Orleans tragedy) threatens to poison our minds. We feel heartbroken and especially helpless. However, there are numerous, responsible activities to engage in to benefit our world.

The Jan. 1 cartoon of Dennis the Menace releasing a balloon outdoors, with the words “Happy New Year” written on it, was hypocritical at best. A happy new year will be highly unlikely to some unfortunate animal due to the prolific incidence of wildlife creature deaths caused by released balloons.

Our world’s ills can flatten us at times. Let’s purposefully work to counter those ills with intelligent and informed actions to bring healing and goodness to our planet. Highlighting irresponsible behavior through a medium that is supposed to bring laughter is counterproductive at best.

Lucy Hardy

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