In his July 31 commentary, Dr. Mark Fourre described many excellent programs underway in Maine to improve health care. He says these programs are informed by three tenets:

Better health for the population.

Better care for individuals.

Lower overall cost of care.

I wonder how many people who read his commentary are aware that these tenets are all key tenets of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare).

Similarly, the programs Fourre mentions – from smoking cessation, to obesity prevention, to encouraging more primary care and patient-centered health homes – are all encouraged by funding and regulatory changes embedded in Obamacare.

I am glad to see that Gov. LePage is speaking out in support of moving our health care system from one that pays health care providers for how many sick people they treat, to one that rewards them for keeping people healthy. Given the chance, Obamacare can make the governor’s vision a reality.

Mel Tremper


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