I read with great interest the article concerning Gov. LePage’s proposal to remove the tax-exempt status of nonprofits in the state of Maine. Once again, it seems he is going forward without intelligent consideration of the results of this action.

I have been involved with the American Legion on many levels and can state that this is a serious mistake. Ninety-nine percent of American Legion posts return much more to the community than they would pay in property taxes, and removing their tax-exempt status would decrease their contributions and, in some communities, possibly end them completely.

The American Legion sponsors Little League baseball, Legion Baseball, Babe Ruth baseball, oratorical contests, Boys State and Girls State, Boy Scouts, Special Olympics, food pantries, blood drives and scholarships in their communities, as well as offering the use of their halls for community activities.

This is just a small portion of what the American Legion gives to the community, and these are all done through fundraising efforts that could be compromised by the governor’s proposal. I beg our legislators to acknowledge this and repel any action of this nature.

Richard “Brooksie” Brooks


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