WASHINGTON — Sen. Ted Cruz and his wife, Heidi, were heckled out of a high-end Italian restaurant near the Capitol on Monday night by a group of protesters.

A video shows roughly a dozen protesters crowding Cruz’s table at Fiola as he and his wife appeared to be getting up to leave.

“God bless you,” Cruz can be heard saying in the video as he wiggles his way past the protesters. He then turns back and says, “Let my wife through.”

One woman shows Cruz her middle finger.

A young man behind the camera is heard shouting “Beto is way hotter than you, dude.”

The protesters’ main beef with the Texas Republican appeared to be his support for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who has been accused by two women of sexual assault – once when he was in high school and another time when he was an undergraduate at Yale. The protesters chanted “We believe survivors!”


Christine Blasey Ford – a California psychology professor who said the Supreme Court nominee pinned her to a bed and groped her over a one-piece bathing suit at a high school party, will testify Thursday in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee charged with shepherding Kavanaugh to the floor for a confirmation vote.

Kavanaugh, who has denied the accusations, will also testify Thursday.

Cruz said at a debate on Friday with Democratic challenger Rep. Beto O’Rourke that Kavanaugh was “unquestionably qualified” for the Supreme Court but that Ford’s allegations “are serious, and they deserve to be treated with respect.”

Cruz’s office did not immediately respond for comment for this story.

Cruz joins a growing list of Republican elected and appointed officials who have been shouted out of restaurants in and around Washington since President Trump took office.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was refused service at the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Va. And Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen left a D.C. Mexican restaurant after activists gathered to protest the administration’s child separation policy at the U.S.-Mexico border.

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