Thanks for your continued efforts to uphold the sacred trust of good journalism. Of interest and concern was Editorial Page Editor Greg Kesich’s Nov. 11 column concerning Gov. Le-Page’s pending departure from office and, it appears, our state.

Though a difficult person for many, not an environmentalist and not diplomatic in anyone’s book, he has been trustworthy with the finances of the state. Contrast that with states that promise too much to too many and fail to make the difficult financial decisions required of chief executives. Many state government workers’ pension funds go unfunded by more personable politicians.

Shirking difficult decisions and hiding behind unrealistic rosy revenue forecasts is a known pattern across our country. Federal politicians play the options of unending deficits and printing more currency. LePage brought a resurgence in trust that Maine would pay its bills and keep taxes controlled.

Snowbirds have started to reclaim Maine as home, rather than other states with lower taxes and fees, and they cite LePage as part of their decision making though they often begrudge his style. Having saved for retirement, they chafe at “tax and spend” and expect difficult decisions to be made.

LePage has been straightforward in fiscal policy. While often coarse and disagreeable, he is easy to understand. Many Mainers like that and forgive his style.

Governor-elect Janet Mills is experienced and good. Let us hope she will not discard the previous administration’s attention to keeping financial matters balanced and will be grateful for Maine’s improved fiscal position. If the rainy day fund is hit hard and taxes and fees rise, as many predict, will that be truly better?

Governor-elect Mills is going to positively turn the state around in many areas. Let’s live in hope she can do it in a balanced way, preserving our creditworthiness.

Joseph R.D. deKay


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