How apt that Julie McDonald-Smith begins her recent column with the definition of shame, as she parades her shameful ignorance. I would like to see her documentation that U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree ever voted for a bill promoting the exclusive abortion of male or female or gay fetuses. If the author would broaden her news sources, she would know that Benjamin Netanyahu has little interest in “freedom, liberty, and democracy” for anyone other than his own Likud Party. He promised Israeli voters that he would not support statehood for Palestinians, putting future negotiations in the bad-faith category. He has created one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet by continuing to tighten the “barbed wire” noose around the Palestinian men, women and children of Gaza, while confiscating more and more of their West Bank land for illegal Israeli settlements. Like many of the so-called political leaders in Congress, he is beating the drum for murder and mayhem in Iran, keeping the war dollars flowing to war industries and the Pentagon, and stoking fear to keep us supportive and docile.

It is sad to hear that a “normal” person like McDonald-Smith may shrug as the bodies resulting from American empire pile up.

Martha Goodale

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