I can’t imagine what it’s like to work in Maine for minimum wage. I can’t imagine working hard for 40 hours a week and having a paycheck of $15,000 for a year’s work (before deductions).

Shenna Bellows, the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate, will vote to increase the minimum wage to $10.10. Sen. Susan Collins voted against the increase.

Bellows will always respect a women’s private decisions about her body. Collins voted for the anti-contraceptive Blunt Amendment, which would allow employers to forbid insurance coverage of any birth control services.

Bellows would vote for equal pay for equal work in the Paycheck Fairness Act. Collins didn’t.

Please check Collins’ record. Please meet and talk to Bellows. I think you’ll agree with me and vote for a candidate who will support fair legislation.

Catherine Buotte

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