In all due respect, columnist Julie McDonald could have done a better job of giving a basic understanding of what Common Core is about (“The Right View: Back to a disturbing future with Common Core”).

The elephant in the room is the widespread conservative initiative to dismantle the public educational system and funnel our taxpayer money toward private charter schools.

Common Core is a set of established metrics and baseline to gauge student performance on an outcome basis, which would be used to compare performance levels of charter schools versus public education.

Gov. Paul LePage’s veto of a bill that would assure all future charter schools in Maine would be not for profit, coupled with mystery money now pouring into federal and state campaigns, will pretty much guarantee corporate interests will turn our children’s education into another commodity for Wall Street to play with.

McDonald can lament on the horrible trauma our kids would be subjected to until the cows come home, but without any type of data collection method, how can anybody tell if charter schools are any better than public schools?

Scott Hall
Lisbon Falls

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