I’m writing in support of Melanie Sachs in the House District 106 Democratic primary. Her energy, enthusiasm and common sense are just a few reasons why I support her. I believe she’ll do what excellent representatives are supposed to do: actually discuss instead of harangue, work with diligence and patience, be open to hearing all the information, and thoughtful in decision-making.

This coming session isn’t going to be easy. Yes, there will be hard decisions. But they have to be made with the best interests of all our citizens in mind over the long term. I want someone representing me who is willing to do the negotiating, cross-aisle work that will create solutions for the social and economic issues our state is facing. Melanie can talk. She can listen. She’s not afraid to have an opinion and suggest a solution. She wants results that improve lives. Good choice for representative.

Deborah McLean

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