There was a pivotal question during the Aug. 3 candidates night in Cape Elizabeth, concerning the local-option sales tax proposed by then-Rep. Cynthia Dill. Dill’s bill was unanimously rejected by the House Taxation Committee on May 5. The question asked both candidates for House District 121 whether they would have supported that bill.

Nancy Thompson stated an unequivocal “no.” Kim Monaghan-Derrig said she didn’t know anything about the bill, but that she would have supported it, because it was proposed by now-Sen. Dill.

If our representative is going to blindly follow what other party members propose, then Cape Elizabeth isn’t going to get the kind of leadership it needs. And Monaghan-Derrig, by her own admission, will follow Dill in lock-step.

Cape Elizabeth needs leadership that is researched on the issues and independent. We need Nancy Thompson in Augusta because she will study the issues and make independent decisions on our behalf.

William L. Downes
Cape Elizabeth

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