On March 20, around noontime, I was surprised, irritated and disappointed with drivers on Interstate 295 in Portland from the Washington Avenue entrance to the South Portland Route 1 exit.

Drivers were cutting into the funeral procession, cutting off some of the vehicles. I was in one of those vehicles that you cut in front of.

A truck cutting in behind me nearly caused a several-car collision because of their need to rush with total disregard and ignorance of the funeral procession.

These drivers showed absolutely no human kindness, sympathy or intelligence for the funeral procession of the deceased family and friends taking their loved one to their final resting place. Pay attention when you’re driving!

We did encounter many courteous and respectful drivers as we proceeded from the church on the route down Washington Avenue, drivers stopping at the intersections even though they had the green light and along Route 1 to Calvary Cemetery. To those people, we say, “Thank you for your kindness and respect.”

The journey of a loved one dying, making arrangements, services, etc., is painful enough, but to encounter disrespectful drivers who are in such a hurry that they potentially could cause serious injury to others due to their ignorance, lack of respect and compassion for another human being is shameful.


Please notice the next time you see a line of vehicles that their blinking lights and headlights are on with the funeral flags on top of their vehicles. The next time you see a funeral procession, slow down or stop and allow them to proceed.

Show respect and compassion for the family and friends of the deceased who are taking their loved one to their final resting place! One day, that may be you in a funeral procession burying your spouse, parent, sibling or friend.

Cathy Harrington



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