They say Sunday is the day of rest. One of the ways I look forward to resting my mind after an eventful week is getting outdoors for a run, and Portland is a fine city to do just that.

Our scenic trail system and plentiful sidewalks allow residents and visitors alike to move about on foot enjoyably. That’s even truer now that Baxter Boulevard is closed to vehicular traffic on Sunday. On my run recently, I was delighted to see the Back Cove Trail freed of cyclists and people on Rollerblades because they could use the pavement.

This asset not only serves residents, but visitors, too. I know several folks from neighboring towns who come into Portland to run with friends or go for a stroll, often combining the visit with a stop at a local business. And our city’s pedestrian-friendly qualities improve the stay of those visiting from far-off places.

Without a doubt, our walkability makes Portland a healthier city – not only for its residents, but also its economy.

However, I was also reminded of how this great asset could be quickly overshadowed. The crosswalk on High Street in front of the newly opened Eastland Hotel is an accident waiting to happen. With cars double-parked in front of the hotel, fast-moving vehicles and pedestrians can’t see one another as they attempt to cross the street.

On a recent weekend, I saw someone nearly get hit. And as someone who works nearby, I know this isn’t an isolated incident.

Let’s not let a tragedy mar the reputation that this city is building as pedestrian-friendly. I hope something can be worked out to make this crossing safer.

Andrew Bossie

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