Readers should not become complacent in believing that the School Department is the only place where bad decisions are made in Westbrook.

I am a Westbrook property owner. I call to your attention the closure of Saco Street between Main Street and William Clark Drive. The city closed this street without taking steps to mitigate the ramifications of such activity.

Prior to the closure, Main Street traffic could travel toward Scarborough on Saco Street in a direct line of travel. Now, traffic that once crossed an intersection controlled by a traffic light must turn left, across the stream of inbound traffic from New Portland Road, and cause a greater hazard to drivers attempting to negotiate the intersection.

In addition, since the intersection that this extra traffic was diverted to is designed for a straight ahead flow, it is not uncommon for vehicles wanting to go straight to wait through several traffic lights as no forethought was made to provide left turning traffic with either a lane or a light.

The families living along the side streets off Mechanic Street must be thrilled with increased flow of vehicles through their neighborhoods, as commuters look to get to Saco Street while avoiding the chicanery instituted by the wonderfully thoughtful leaders of the city of Westbrook.

Telephone calls to the city to ask who was responsible for this brilliant scheme only result in being passed off to various departments.

Since no one knows who is responsible, can we assume that gnomes erected the barricades during the night, and all members of city government believe that this act had the blessing of someone.

Richard Foley


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