In his July 2 column, Greg Kesich is obviously very confused about the political ideology of the Maine Green Independent Party.

It seems some clarification is in order.

The Maine Green Independent Party – and, more specifically, the Portland Green Independent Committee, which serves as the party’s local network – is not conservative in any way, shape or form.

Quite the reverse, we are a leftist alternative to the Democratic Party. Our candidates run on issues the Democrats refuse to touch like single-payer health care, a $15-an-hour minimum wage and taking meaningful action to curb the worst effects of global warming.

Much of the confusion seems to stem from Kesich’s peculiar definition of “progressive.” He seems to view “progress” as privatizing and commercializing every square inch of public space in Portland.

But this view that all progress is determined by private industry and the “free-market” has more in common with actual conservatism. This unwavering allegiance to economic expansion – even at the risk of human needs and the environment – is what environmental author Clive Hamilton calls “growth fetishism.”


Greens want to preserve public space for citizens. We promote quality, well-paying jobs, not the temporary, low-pay jobs RockBridge Capital would bring.

And, while I cannot speak for the party as a whole, I believe there is a largely unacknowledged element of class warfare at play in the potential sale of Congress Square Park.

The idea that there is anything remotely “conservative” about the Green Party is laughable.

As has been said before, the Green Party is no longer the alternative. The Green Party is the imperative.

Adam Marletta, Secretary

Portland Green Independent Committee


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