Cape Elizabeth

Tues.  1/28  3 p.m.  School Board Policy Committee  TH

Wed.  1/29  7 p.m.  Town Council/School Board Workshop  TH

Thur.  1/30  9 a.m.  Planning Board Process Information  TH


Mon.  1/27  6:30 p.m.  Planning Board  MB

Tues.  1/28  5:30 p.m.  Finance Committee  MB

Tues.  1/28  6 p.m.  Public Safety Building Rezoning  MB


South Portland

Mon.  1/27  6 p.m.  State of the Schools  SPHS

Mon.  1/27  6:30 p.m.  Willard Beach Master Plan Committee  929 Highland Ave.

Tues.  1/28  4 p.m.  Board of Harbor Commission  2 Portland Fish Pier

Tues.  1/28  4:30 p.m.  Board of Health  CH

Tues.  1/28  6:30 p.m.  City Council  CH

Thur.  1/30  6:30 p.m.  City Council District 2 Meeting  37 Highland Ave.

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