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") #end #end #end #end *# ## DISPLAY STORY HTML
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#if($velocityCount==1) By #else and #end #if($item.url!="")$item.title#else $item.title#end $
#if($item.jobTitle && $item.jobTitle != "")$item.jobTitle #else Times Leader Staff Writer #end

#end #elseif($reporterText) $cms.helpText("This is a reporter that was written in. This author does not have an author content item")


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Sorry, the content of this story appears to be missing.

") #else #set($copy = $story.copy) #end #set($copy = $string.replaceAll($copy,"

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click image to enlarge
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","") #if($ && $ != "")


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Additional Photos Below

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Related headlines

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Related Documents

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#end #end ## GET RELATED LINKS #if($relatedURLs.size() > 0) $cms.helpText("These are related URLs that can be edited in the complex type field On the Web URL for content item $")

On the web

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#if($cms.domain=="") Were you interviewed for this story? If so, please fill out our accuracy form

Send question/comment to the editors

#elseif($cms.domain=="") Were you interviewed for this story? If so, please fill out our accuracy form

Send question/comment to the editors

#else Were you interviewed for this story? If so, please fill out our accuracy form

Send question/comment to the editors

$cms.template("ME PPH Article Sharing Links")
#### THUMBNAILS ##### #set($j=1) #foreach($photo in $story.images) #if($velocityCount==3)

Additional Photos

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