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  • Published
    May 14, 2018

    Letter to the editor: King does the right thing, but only half of the time

    Upon first glance, Sen. Angus King made a moral decision by not supporting Gina Haspel to be director of the CIA. Ms. Haspel’s history of destroying waterboarding evidence is more than disqualifying, especially given the current administration’s stance on torture. However, what appears to be basic common sense from Maine’s junior senator is, unfortunately, far […]

  • Published
    May 14, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Congratulations to Mainers on abysmal voting record

    Well, I would say congratulations are in order. First, to the people of Maine for giving us eight years of a governor who doesn’t care about the most vulnerable among us, just the rich and big business. Second, to the people of Maine for giving us Republican “leaders” in the Legislature who obstruct and delay […]

  • Published
    May 14, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Forcing policy on company will backfire on workers

    Re: “Portland council hears pleas on both sides of plan to require employers to give paid sick days” (April 24): When a company volunteers to do things for its workers, like providing paid family medical leave, there is nothing wrong in doing it. When the government forces a policy on a company that is not […]

  • Published
    May 14, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Decisions become easier when your child is abused

    Re: “Our View: Removal of paintings from USM show raises plenty of tough questions” (May 9): At Cheverus High School, former teacher and coach Charles Malia’s name was removed from the school’s outdoor track when Malia admitted to sexually abusing students. The abuse victims pleaded with Cheverus officials to acknowledge the gravity of the crimes […]

  • Published
    May 14, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Eves has knowledge, experience we need in governor

    There are some good people running on the Democratic ticket for governor in the June 12 primary, but only Mark Eves has knowledge that we need in our next governor. His eight years in the Maine House of Representatives, including four as speaker, give him the experience no other Democratic candidate has: working with Republican […]

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  • Published
    May 14, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Mills’ vision, values make her best choice for Blaine House

    Every four years, we the people, as Maine’s board of directors, have the responsibility to hire or rehire our CEO – our governor. And, like all boards of directors, we must decide what is important to us and who we believe can provide the necessary leadership to execute that. Janet Mills is my far and […]

  • Published
    May 13, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Article about Bayside dehumanized ‘throngs’

    The newspaper fails to recognize the tremendous work being done for the homeless.

  • Published
    May 13, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Article on Bayside lacked empathy

    Your article titled “Bayside at rock bottom: Portland neighborhood is under siege” (May 6) is one of the most offensive and ineffective calls to action that I’ve encountered. Staff Writer Randy Billings, the article’s author, spends much of his time languishing in testimony, blame and hearsay. Most troubling is the attack not only on the […]

  • Published
    May 13, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Investing in basic supports can break cycle of poverty

    I read “Bayside at rock bottom: A neighborhood under siege” (May 6) with sadness, having worked for years with nonprofits in New York City’s toughest neighborhoods prior to moving to Maine. What’s described in Bayside conjures memories of where things could be headed for our beautiful city if we don’t soon take strong action. The […]

  • Published
    May 13, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Mother’s Day without Mom brings emptiness, sadness

    To all those missing your moms on this Mother’s Day: I think we can all agree that this is a feeling nobody could understand unless they went through it firsthand. It’s a feeling I could never try to explain to someone who still has his or her mother. It’s a feeling I can’t put into […]