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  • Published
    April 3, 2018

    Letter to the editor: First LePage wants to protect state’s natural beauty, then he doesn’t

    Isn’t it a grand irony that our governor, Paul LePage, who bashes the wind power projects for despoiling the beauty of Maine’s landscape, is promoting despoiling by Central Maine Power? I may not be as sharp as the governor, but despoiling is despoiling. (Sort of like “a rose by any other name” is a rose.) […]

  • Published
    April 3, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Right-wingers justify their lies by assuming the left is lying to them

    Liberals have their own hang-ups, but it's wrong and dishonest to automatically believe their views on gun control or labor laws are built on fabrications.

  • Published
    April 3, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Good schools benefit Portland by attracting talented people to city

    I strongly support Superintendent Xavier Botana’s budget proposal for the Portland Public Schools. We need stronger, better-funded schools in Portland, not weaker ones. A great benefit to living is Portland is having neighborhood schools and school choice for middle and high school. My own family has greatly benefited from both of these policies. Being able […]

  • Published
    April 2, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Federated Cos. responds on Midtown

    The developer wants the city of Portland to hold up its end of the bargain.

  • Published
    April 2, 2018

    Letter to the editor: State government cutbacks contribute to child abuse

    Paul LePage is telling mandated reporters to report suspected child abuse. As a mandated reporter myself, I am being told by him: “Do not check with your supervisor or talk to colleagues. Just report it.” I can assure our governor that we, as mandated reporters, are all making those calls – and thanks for the […]

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  • Published
    April 2, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Please don’t build dock, platform on Back Cove

    I have read the March 27 article about TEMPOart wanting to build an 80-foot gangway and floating platform to create a space where people can get together for a meal. Back Cove has 3.5 miles of trail currently used for walking, biking or sitting on a bench to enjoy the changing light and tides or […]

  • Published
    April 2, 2018

    Letter to the editor: South Portland city councilors need to scrap restrictions

    The successful petition drive by a local short-term rental host not only demonstrates the public demand for home sharing – it also provides the South Portland City Council with a much-needed opportunity to scrap its onerous restrictions and embrace what has become a clear economic engine for local families and businesses alike. In South Portland, […]

  • Published
    April 2, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Seth Levy supported for district attorney

    The current Cumberland County district attorney has held that position since 1991. Because she is not seeking another term, we now have the opportunity for real change. In this June’s Democratic primary, I hope you will join me in voting for Seth Levy for district attorney. He has the experience, quick intelligence and compassion needed […]

  • Published
    April 2, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Jeremy Mele endorsed for District 19 House seat

    In November 2016, the people of Maine voted to raise the minimum wage to $12 an hour by 2020 and tie subsequent increases to the rate of inflation, or the Consumer Price Index. Time and time again, this law has been targeted by those who think they know better than the voters. Those making tipped […]

  • Published
    April 1, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Newspaper misses mark with gun owner portraits

    The March 18 cover story “We are gun owners” was a misguided reaction to the movement young Americans are leading to make our country a safer place. Rather than uniting us, rhetoric like this will push us further apart. The debate reignited by the school shooting in Parkland is not between liberals and conservatives or […]