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  • Published
    February 2, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Portland’s zoning should accommodate needs of modern business

    The Portland Planning Board is reviewing a request to change the zoning on the western waterfront to allow the existing height limit of 45 feet raised to 70 feet. The city of Portland is seeking this change to accommodate the proposed construction of a cold- and dry-storage facility for Americold Logistics. Also, the Icelandic steamship […]

  • Published
    February 2, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Media should stop using Trump’s name until he ends conflicts of interest

    The 45th president of the United States is a very wealthy man. He is also a man with an array of conflicts of interest due to his global business empire. By his own admission, a very large part of his net worth is derived from the value of his brand, which is synonymous with his […]

  • Published
    February 2, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Ideas to reset our nation’s course merit bipartisan OK

    Below are nine achievable ways to “re-set” America’s compass in 2017: • Limit service of U.S. representatives and senators to two three-year terms. Our Founding Fathers never envisioned a professional legislature. Ban working as a lobbyist post service. • Require public service by all young people. Two-year service options could include the military, Border Patrol, Coast Guard […]

  • Published
    February 2, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Is Trump grateful that his own immigrant grandfather was not turned away from the U.S.?

    A girl from a distant country left her parents behind. She crossed an ocean to the United States and joined her brother, who had been living there for years. She was my great-grandmother. The country she left behind was Germany, which had been at war with its neighbors and would shortly be at war with […]

  • Published
    February 1, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Trump’s ‘investigation’ will discourage voting

    Why is Donald Trump launching a “major investigation” into allegedly massive voter fraud when there is scant evidence that such fraud exists? This solution without a problem has sinister implications for working-class Americans. The Republican Party will use the conclusions of this so-called “investigation” to move backward on voter rights, thus stifling free and fair […]

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  • Published
    February 1, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Friends of Casco Bay group ignores clam testing results

    Having just read the latest Friends of Casco Bay newsletter, I am scratching my head in amazement and disbelief. I am amazed because I thought that Friends of Casco Bay conducted science, then advocated for the health of the bay based on scientific results. Instead, it appears that they are an advocacy organization that bases […]

  • Published
    February 1, 2017

    Letter to the editor: LePage’s responses show how little he understands

    Gov. LePage’s response to questions from his constituents last Wednesday in Biddeford was disingenuous in so many ways they can’t be counted. My primary concerns are: • When asked about his stance on hate crimes relative to the recent bomb threat made to a Jewish preschool in Portland, he denied knowledge and then failed to […]

  • Published
    February 1, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Trump deals blow to fight against climate change

    Re: “Trump acts swiftly to advance pipelines: ‘From now on we are going to start making pipelines in the United States,’ the president said from the Oval Office” (Jan. 24): This advance on the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines, signing executive actions to aggressively overhaul America’s energy policy, deals a sharp blow […]

  • Published
    January 31, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Humanity of immigration outweighs terrorism threat

    It’s a sad day when a president of the United States locks the doors to entry of refugees into this country. And it’s mortifying to compare this with the heroic efforts of the Italian Coast Guard, the Greeks and the Germans in helping the thousands of desperate refugees fleeing to Europe. It is hard to […]

  • Published
    January 31, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Immigration is a blessing, not a curse. Defend it!

    My grandfather came to Portland in 1922 (coincidentally, the same year the house I now live in was built) with his mother and two siblings. They followed his father and older siblings, who left Eastern European amid violence and hatred. I don’t know if they were prescient – but they were lucky. The passengers of […]