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  • Published
    November 8, 2016

    Letter to the editor: When you’re in a predicament, you can count on Mainers

    I knew I adored Maine, and now I have another reason that I do! Our rental car died on the highway just outside the Portland jetport, 55 minutes before our flight. We were stranded with our luggage on the highway – waiting for a ride that would take 15 minutes to get there. Then this […]

  • Published
    November 8, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Divert money from military to rescuing the environment

    The fifth annual Maine Peace Walk began Oct. 11 from the Penobscot Nation on Indian Island and ended Oct. 26 at the Kittery Naval Shipyard with a protest vigil at the village gate. Participants walked to bring attention to the need to come together and realize that the people must protect the Earth’s environment. The […]

  • Published
    November 8, 2016

    Letter to the editor: City favors condos, B&Bs over shorter-term, Airbnb-style rentals

    I’ve owned an apartment building in Portland’s West End, in an R-6 zone, since 1979. During that time, the neighborhood has gone through many changes. Across the street is a bed-and-breakfast with a restaurant open to the public. A halfway house moved into the building on my right. The six-unit apartment building to my rear […]

  • Published
    November 7, 2016

    Letter to the editor: For the sanity of everyone, election season should be shorter

    Everybody I speak to is sick and tired of the long, drawn-out election procedure, with its saturation of media ads, street signs, commentaries and accusations. What can we do to shorten the campaign process? It seems to me that six months should be ample time for candidates to get their message out. Help me before […]

  • Published
    November 7, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Tipping should remain at the diner’s discretion

    In regards to “Local chef takes tipping off the menu” (Page A1, Oct. 26): This is a policy I do not agree with. Cara Stadler is making an 18 percent addition to the bill and eliminating tipping. I have always felt it right to tip according to service. If you get great service, you leave […]

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  • Published
    November 7, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Strict oversight critical to Portland waterfront development

    The stretch of the Fore River running from the Veterans Memorial Bridge to the Casco Bay Bridge is now under a bright light, thanks to a proposal from the cold-storage company Americold and the city’s Economic Development Department for a zoning change to raise building heights on West Commercial Street to 70 feet from the […]

  • Published
    November 7, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Proficiency-based learning gives students the skills they need

    Columnist Charles Lawton is right to point out the potential shortfall of employees in Maine’s future workforce (“For high-quality job growth, focus on creating a skilled labor force,” Oct. 11). I share his concern that many Mainers lack some of the most important skills that employers need. Developing an academic mindset and learning how to […]

  • Published
    November 7, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Portland should make some space for dogs on leashes

    I have always appreciated and enjoyed Portland’s love for dogs. Water bowls on sidewalks, pups enjoying outdoor dining with their people and beautiful, dog-friendly parks and beaches demonstrate yet another example of this city’s heart. As great lovers of dogs ourselves, my husband and I recently adopted a rescue, which had been found on a […]

  • Published
    November 6, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Nemitz column about 
loss of his dog resonates

    Thank you, Bill Nemitz, for sharing your emotions and feelings in your recent Sunday column about your dog, Fairbanks. I am sure you tugged at the hearts of many pet owners who have had to say “goodbye” to a friend and companion. For anyone who has loved and lost a pet, this was a reminder […]

  • Published
    November 6, 2016

    Letter to the editor: How about requiring truth in campaign advertising, speech?

    Two ideas that might improve the political discourse going on of late. • One: It would be great if political advertising had to conform to the Federal Trade Commission’s Truth in Advertising laws, which require that “claims in advertising must be truthful, cannot be deceptive or unfair, and must be evidence-based.” • Two: Would someone please work […]