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  • Published
    September 2, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Vote ‘yes’ on Question 1 to restore Maine’s concern for animal protection

    Maine became a state in 1820. In 1821, we passed the nation’s first animal protection legislation. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the world’s oldest animal protection organization, wasn’t founded in England until 1824. Back in 1821, and ever since, Mainers have demonstrated that they are moral and independent people, unafraid […]

  • Published
    September 2, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Why the double standard for baiting bears, deer?

    Why is baiting bears legal while baiting deer is illegal? For hunters of deer, I’m told, it’s unsportsmanlike behavior. Why doesn’t that same reasoning apply to bears? David Dayhoff Camden

  • Published
    September 2, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Police deserve life-saving military equipment

    Regarding “Obama orders review of how military gives away surplus” (Aug. 23): Politics aside, anything that will keep law enforcement officer deaths down is a good thing, Unfortunately, we have lost 68 officers in the line of duty this year to date, and we have also lost 43 military service members in the same time […]

  • Published
    September 2, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Sen. King lauded for support of funding nuclear security

    Sen. Angus King recently joined 25 other U.S. senators in signing a letter to Shaun Donovan, director of the federal Office of Management and Budget. The letter was a request that the Obama administration “seek increased funding for vital nuclear material security and nonproliferation programs.” In the last several years, the president has proposed reductions […]

  • Published
    September 2, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Why are men held to stricter standard than women for ‘business casual’ attire?

    This letter focuses on men who struggle with the narrow written or implied definition of “business casual” in their workplaces or organizations. Comparatively, the variety of contemporary business attire that have become acceptable for women over the past 30 years greatly surpassed that of men and includes long skirts, short shirts, tank tops, blouses, pantsuits, […]

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  • Published
    September 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Planned Parenthood PAC faulted for slick pro-abortion effort

    According to the news, Planned Parenthood’s political arm is going to rally women to vote for Mike Michaud in Portland. Apparently, the Planned Parenthood Maine Action Fund PAC feels that investing at least $500,000 in Maine’s gubernatorial and legislative races can buy those elections. But despite all their attempts, they will find that half a […]

  • Published
    September 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: News and opinion pieces conflict on issue of using money to influence Maine elections

    I’m confused. On the front page Aug. 27, the Portland Press Herald published a big write-up announcing that billionaire and environmentalist Tom Steyer is setting up a major political operation in Maine as part of his $50 million campaign against Republicans who dispute the science and impacts of global climate change (“Billionaire Tom Steyer’s climate-change […]

  • Published
    September 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Given the chance to improve Maine, Gov. Paul LePage disappoints

    Paul LePage was not my choice for governor in 2010, but he won the election and deserved to have a chance to improve conditions for the people of Maine and the state in general. Almost immediately he fired a “shot across the bow” with the removal of the Labor Department mural, and things have gone […]

  • Published
    September 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Michaud can outdo LePage in retaining exemplary teachers in Maine

    How is Maine going to attract and retain exemplary teachers under the policies of Gov. LePage? Gov. LePage cut funding for retirement programs for Maine teachers and state retirees. He imposed a three-year freeze on the cost-of-living increase. He raised the retirement age and reduced the amount of money paid into the system by the […]

  • Published
    September 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Missile site is not the right way to jump-start Maine’s economy

    The Portland Press Herald’s editorial opposing a new East Coast missile defense site is a welcome perspective (“Our View: There’s no place in Maine for missile defense site,” Aug. 20). As the editorial points out, spending more money on a broken and militarily unnecessary system could be devastating for the environment. Moreover, it would reinforce […]