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  • Published
    August 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Everyone deserves access to a death with dignity

    Re: “Choosing to leave life,” by Dr. Jerald Winakur (Aug. 24): Like Dr. Winakur, I was asked by a friend in her 70s to enable her to take her own life. Betty could no longer move her arms and legs and, even with a table full of medications, was also in unimaginable pain. She was […]

  • Published
    August 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Proposed national park excites Millinocket native

    I am studying for my bachelor of science in parks, recreation and tourism while also pursuing a minor in psychology at the University of Maine. What I didn’t know was I was diving head-first into a special problem that hit home with great resonance. The community that raised me was dying, and I silently had […]

  • Published
    August 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Sunday business section lacking in Maine news

    The Maine Sunday Telegram has much to commend it in terms of high-quality local reporting. The Business Sunday section, however, is a notable exception. Week in and week out, it consists of a money-matters column plus two other consumer/lifestyle articles. Week in and week out, all three items are reprinted from standard national sources. Here […]

  • Published
    August 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: No sympathy for repeat OUI offender

    While Susan Kimball’s “Her own worst enemy” (Aug. 25) was touching and well-written, it sends the wrong message. The piece practically celebrated Kelly Boyer’s entry into what Kimball called an “exclusive club” – the 58 who have racked up eight operating-under-the-influence convictions. The sympathetic description of Boyer’s alcohol addiction, rape and psychological problems approached the […]

  • Published
    August 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Violent man stole OUI offender’s life

    Regarding “Her own worst enemy” (Aug. 25): I knew Kelly Boyer when we were both young women, engaged to be married to men who had been friends since childhood. I remember a vivacious young woman who was deeply in love. None of us guessed there was anything wrong. She wore the mask she referred to […]

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  • Published
    August 30, 2014

    Letter to the editor: ‘Alive Inside’ shows music’s magic for memory impaired

    If you can possibly get to the Frontier Cafe in Brunswick before Sept. 1 to see “Alive Inside,” do so! It is a very powerful documentary about the power of music to help those with memory impairment. There are interviews with neurology and geriatric professionals as well as family members of those suffering from profound […]

  • Published
    August 30, 2014

    Letter to the editor: We should help those who try but still need a hand up

    I watched the Sunday night news Aug. 17, then switched to “60 Minutes.” Both programs had features about poverty in America. No, not the deadbeats our governor dislikes – and includes me as one, because I receive my dead husband’s Social Security. No, these are disabled and ill veterans, current military members, Appalachians without jobs […]

  • Published
    August 30, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Give higher priority to the health of our military personnel

    I had the pleasure and honor of seeing a U.S. Marine on leave who was referred to me by a local emergency room for a serious infection threatening the vision in one of his eyes. I witnessed this very polite young man talking on the phone with a variety of military insurance-related personnel – getting […]

  • Published
    August 30, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Rehire of city manager no plus for Saco

    In June, Saco City Manager Rick Michaud announced his retirement effective Dec. 31. He then promptly sold his Saco home and moved to New Hampshire. Under Michaud’s leadership, Saco underwent an unprecedented tax increase with little economic growth. He and city councilors have not done anything substantial to limit spending, and now Michaud is talking […]

  • Published
    August 30, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Environmental protection demands real democracy

    In the Aug. 15 Portland Press Herald, Lyn Sudlow of Maine’s Sierra Club Chapter (“Maine Voices: Protecting our environment starts with protecting our democracy”) hit it on the head. We are not able to protect the environment and combat climate change (and, I would add, protect our health, our schools, our voting rights, our jobs […]