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  • Published
    September 5, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Methods of transporting flammable oil need scrutiny

    Thomas Simpson is certainly correct that we need to “look beyond tank cars to prevent tragedies like Lac-Megantic” (Another View, Aug. 31). On the other hand, his industry’s decision that it was OK to divert tank cars designed to carry dairy products or other nonflammable liquids to moving potentially explosive oil seems to have been […]

  • Published
    September 4, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Simple change would solve Social Security’s money problems

    Being a young business owner in Maine has been a life lesson in carrying oneself by one’s bootstraps. Part of the equation for independent small-business owners is that we haven’t put money into corporate pensions and we will be depending on Social Security – beyond what we can save – when we retire. Thus, a […]

  • Published
    September 4, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Bear baiting is a cruel tool, not a noble Maine tradition

    In November, voters can put an end to three heinous practices used to kill Maine’s bears for recreation: baiting, trapping and hounding. A former hunter has told me that witnessing the profound pain and terror of a bear that was trapped, and then shot, at a baited site disturbed him so deeply that he never […]

  • Published
    September 4, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Stop making excuses for sleepy students

    Re: “Our View: Wake-up call needed for new high school start” (Aug. 26): Teen sleep deprivation – really? What is this world coming to? We have resorted to treating the symptoms instead of dealing with the root causes of our everyday problems. If enough people are speeding, what should we do? Increase the speed limit, […]

  • Published
    September 4, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Enough of the bad policies; elect Eliot Cutler governor

    Sen. Angus King’s recent endorsement of Eliot Cutler introduced a breath of fresh air and common sense into the upcoming gubernatorial elections. As Sen. King noted, this state needs a 21st-century governor to deal with 21st-century problems. I agree. We do not need a return to the failed policies of the past 11 years. Through […]

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  • Published
    September 4, 2014

    Letter to the editor: More efforts needed to help Maine seniors on a limited income

    Within a current re-election TV ad for Gov. LePage, he praises himself for providing a few seniors with extra money. He states this was done by eliminating the sales tax on “retirement home” meals. Then he smirks. A “tell” is an action that tells you what someone is thinking, even if that person doesn’t know […]

  • Published
    September 3, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Michaud’s work for veterans merits a vote in November

    In a do-nothing U.S. Congress, Mike Michaud recently played a key role in passing the VA compromise bill that will help all of Maine’s veterans. As the ranking member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, he was a lead negotiator on the bill. The final bill included many of the ideas Mike originally introduced, such […]

  • Published
    September 3, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Portland deserves a world-class university – cuts won’t get us there

    University of Southern Maine professor Lydia Savage’s statement in Saturday’s Portland Press Herald (“University committee votes to cut three USM programs”) goes right to the heart of the situation the University of Maine System faces as it cuts programs and staff. “The question is, why don’t we invest in them instead of eliminating them? The […]

  • Published
    September 3, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Rest of U.S. needs to catch up to Maine on energy pollution

    The Clean Power Plan has been celebrated by business leaders, faith groups and federal, state and local officials across the country. The American Lung Association, the American Public Health Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics endorsed the Obama administration’s carbon pollution standards for its public health protections. By reducing carbon pollution from existing power […]

  • Published
    September 3, 2014

    Letter to the editor: LePage lacks compassion for those seeking sanctuary

    “I don’t think you have a heart” when it comes to educating the children of undocumented immigrants, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas said to Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum during a 2011 presidential debate. I would say the same for Gov. Le-Page. Eight children who escaped poverty, crime and abuse risked […]