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  • Published
    August 29, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Maine People’s Alliance could be more helpful

    Instead of the Maine People’s Alliance and other feel-good organizations continuing to use their energy to lobby for an increase in the minimum wage, saying it victimizes women and the poor, why isn’t it encouraging some of those poorly paid people to apply for the jobs that are currently available at the alliance? Currently there […]

  • Published
    August 29, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Parties afraid to debate because they lack ideas

    Why do Democrats and Republicans in Maine want to reduce the number of debates in the 2014 governor’s campaign? For the Republican Party, it is obvious. They want to reduce the moments of “foot-in-mouth syndrome” that their candidate has seemed to find himself in on a regular basis since 2010. For the Maine Democrats, it […]

  • Published
    August 29, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Maine Maritime Academy a real gem

    Choosing a college is a very difficult family decision, but with that said, Maine should be proud that an article by Kim Clark in the August Money Magazine recognized Maine Maritime Academy as one of the best college values for the money. Using a unique measurement that included quality, affordability and career earnings, MMA was […]

  • Published
    August 29, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Obama should draw up a to-do list for Congress

    A modest suggestion for President Obama: Bring back Congress immediately and task them with: 1. Recommending action to address the growing Islamic State terror and threat. 2. Using their Homeland Security oversight responsibility to halt the weaponization of U.S. domestic law enforcement. 3. Supporting the Pentagon to claw back battlefield material from those domestic police […]

  • Published
    August 29, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Wiscasset shamed itself with road’s name change

    It was sad to read Matt Byrne’s article about the Wiscasset Select Board’s approval of a road name change to “Redskin’s Drive” (“Wiscasset names road after old school mascot,” Aug. 22). Willful ignorance of the gruesome derivation of the term is petty and childish, but putting a public government imprimatur on such corrosive action is […]

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  • Published
    August 28, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Critical factors in play when officers face suicidal gunman

    Your 2012 series (“Deadly force”) outlining the problems faced by law enforcement officers who are called to deal with mentally ill persons was important and insightful. It is tragic for both a family and the responding officer that such a call has to end with the taking of a human life, as in the case […]

  • Published
    August 28, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Generous pay for employees shows Jim Wellehan’s character

    Jim Wellehan is right on the mark with his column on high CEO pay (“Maine Voices: Excessive CEO pay is more than unfair – it’s harmful to the economy,” Aug. 23). And he doesn’t just preach this – he lives it. Bill Nemitz told Jim’s story in his July 16 column (“Stingy CEOs should walk […]

  • Published
    August 28, 2014

    Letter to the editor: What was Sen. King thinking in endorsing Eliot Cutler?

    Independent Sen. Angus King endorsed independent Eliot Cutler for governor because of Cutler’s strong business background, despite steady polling that shows Cutler’s support in the low teens. So a long, lucrative career as a lobbying lawyer is considered a “strong business background” versus Mike Michaud’s 30 years of public service? “Independent” King also endorsed Republican […]

  • Published
    August 28, 2014

    Letter to the editor: No easy answer for lowering bloated CEO compensation

    Bravo to Jim Wellehan for addressing the outrageous pay difference between large-corporation CEOs and lower-paid hourly workers (“Maine Voices: Excessive CEO pay is more than unfair – it’s harmful to the economy,” Aug. 23). His comments are right on. When I have a proxy statement to vote, I always vote against the executive compensation. The […]

  • Published
    August 28, 2014

    Letter to the editor: U.S. needs full-blown effort to repel Islamic militants

    In light of what they have done to American citizen James Foley, the Islamic militants should be wiped from the face of the Earth. Boots on the ground, strategic bombing or any other means, I don’t care. All I know is that we will be fighting these people on our own turf if we don’t […]