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  • Published
    August 18, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Why publish comic strip that condones violence?

    I am writing to comment on the Beetle Bailey comic strip you ran in your paper on Aug. 4. I really do not understand why this is considered funny. There is so much violence in the world. Why do you run a “comic” strip that condones unacceptable violence? I believe you should rethink what is […]

  • Published
    August 17, 2014

    Letter to the editor: LePage story one of astute social climbing, not luck

    Re: “Letter to the editor: LePage’s boyhood does not seem graced by good ‘luck’ “ (Aug. 3): Maybe the writer who couldn’t find the “luck” in Paul LePage’s background was correct. Maybe LePage’s ascendancy has more to do with the social skills of an astute social climber than it does with the coincidence of luck. […]

  • Published
    August 17, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Keep Christian theology out of restaurant reviews

    In her Aug. 10 restaurant review (“Dine Out Maine: Grace”), Melissa Coleman writes: “Originally a symbol of the triple-goddess of maiden, mother and crone, the triquetra was incorporated by Christianity as the holy trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost.” Coleman’s knowledge of early Christian dogma is breathtaking, but she should stick to telling us […]

  • Published
    August 17, 2014

    Letter to the editor: USM president should cut waste, not excellence

    Newly appointed University of Southern Maine President David T. Flanagan has the future of USM in his hands. I hope he is brave enough to find real solutions without gutting academic curricula and cultural diversity. Maine’s motto states clearly “Dirigo.” We do not walk the worn-out path muddied by the masses who, believing that others […]

  • Published
    August 17, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Social thinker Ruskin’s words hold relevance today

    In his prescient 1871 essay “Of the Mystery of Life,” social thinker John Ruskin explained the solution to our present pathetic congressional quagmire, and described why our multiple mean-spirited confrontations over social issues are typified by pugnacity disguised as piety. He wrote: “The greatest of all the mysteries of life, and the most terrible, is […]

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  • Published
    August 17, 2014

    Letter to the editor: U.S. should avoid engaging in international fiascoes

    A more-than-fascinating “Morning Joe” segment aired recently as New York Times columnist Tom Friedman (no Bill Nemitz – but an interesting fellow nonetheless) discussed his interview with President Obama. The host of the show, full of himself as always, quipped, “Europe has been on a vacation from history since 1991” – suggesting that the European […]

  • Published
    August 17, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Milkweed should feed monarch butterflies, not people

    I was greatly disturbed to read your recent recipe for sauteed milkweed pods (“Sauteed milkweed pods: A recipe to delight the forager,” Aug. 10). The magnificent monarch butterflies are nearing extinction, and their sole source of food is milkweed. You had earlier printed an article asking people to plant milkweed, as much of the natural […]

  • Published
    August 16, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Raise funding, cut stigma for the depressed

    We will always wonder why such a high-profile, successful comedic genius like Robin Williams decided to end his life. Williams’ tragic passing at a time when he was severely depressed raises awareness of depression and other mental illnesses. It is unacceptable that every 16 minutes, somebody in the U.S. commits suicide. Surprisingly, there is not […]

  • Published
    August 16, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Support from Gov. Christie sheds bad light on Gov. LePage

    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie recently presided over a fundraising event for Gov. LePage in Dedham. If people are known for the company they keep, then Mr. LePage shows up in a bad light. As a recent Maine transplant from New Jersey, I am well aware of Mr. Christie’s thuggish, bullying tactics, which have been […]

  • Published
    August 16, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Device for diabetics should be covered by Medicare

    My 12-year-old son has Type 1 diabetes, and having access to the best technologies out there is important to us so we can manage this disease well and prevent complications. The continuous glucose monitor is innovative technology that displays blood glucose levels continuously, and reveals trends of high and low blood sugars so we can […]