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  • Published
    June 25, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Payment to consultant puts LePage priorities in question

    If your June 14 story about the payment to the Alexander Group was true (“Maine revokes contract with embattled welfare consultant”), then how can any caring Mainer support Gov. LePage for paying off an out-of-state consultant for subpar work, yet turning his back on a host of hardworking Maine citizens needing health coverage by refusing […]

  • Published
    June 25, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Rise in meal prices exceeds cost of mandated containers

    Regarding the article “Portland businesses make plans to comply with bag fee, foam ban” on Page 1 of the June 18 Portland Press Herald: Based on the information provided by Steve Goodman of Goodman Wiper and Paper, the current cost of polystyrene containers is 10 cents each, while that of wheat straw/sugar cane containers is […]

  • Published
    June 24, 2014

    Letter to the editor: NAACP Portland branch dismayed by change in rule on immigrant aid reimbursement

    On behalf of the NAACP Portland Branch, I want to express our sincere dismay at the recent announcement by the Department of Health and Human Services that the state of Maine will no longer provide reimbursement to municipalities for General Assistance to immigrants and asylum seekers without documents. We support Attorney General Janet Mills’ statement […]

  • Published
    June 24, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Clarifying Ogunquit pesticide issue

    The article “Gaffe by Ogunquit voids its new pesticide ordinance” (June 18) contained heaps of wrong information. The most egregious was labeling the ordinance a “ban,” when, in fact, it limits pesticide use to protect our town’s waters and health. Only wholesale, routine pesticide applications are banned. Six categories of outright exemptions and three waiver […]

  • Published
    June 24, 2014

    Letter to the editor: DEP urged to take action on dangerous phthalates

    I recently learned about a study that found detectable and in some cases, high levels of a dangerous chemical called phthalates in the bodies of 25 Mainers. Phthalates are often called “the everywhere chemical” because they are found in so many products. They are used to soften plastics for things like shower curtains, food packaging […]

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  • Published
    June 24, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Why should Shaker Village get Maine Turnpike sign?

    On April 3, the Press Herald published “Our View: Highway signs are not supposed to be advertisements,” an argument for removing or relocating a number of the brown signs along Interstate 95 that direct travelers to specific points of interest. Among the signs mentioned was the one for the Shaker Village in Gray. This point […]

  • Published
    June 23, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Street closure in Westbrook has many ramifications

    Readers should not become complacent in believing that the School Department is the only place where bad decisions are made in Westbrook. I am a Westbrook property owner. I call to your attention the closure of Saco Street between Main Street and William Clark Drive. The city closed this street without taking steps to mitigate […]

  • Published
    June 23, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Collins sounds moderate, but her votes reveal her real values

    I am always surprised when I catch myself thinking of Sen. Susan Collins as a moderate. She is a thoughtful and dedicated public servant fond of talking about compromise. Her voting record, however, reveals her true values. She stands with the tea party end of her party much of the time. Just a few weeks […]

  • Published
    June 23, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Taxpayers shouldn’t have to bear cost of aiding undocumented immigrants

    Bill Nemitz, on June 13, says it’s now time “to stand up for ‘illegals.’ “ He calls the Department of Health and Human Services’ order to eliminate welfare benefits to noncitizens part of the “LePage administration’s never-ending war on the poor.” I’d call it a defensive shot in the state’s long war on the taxpayer. […]

  • Published
    June 23, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Requiring proof of legal status before receiving taxpayer aid is reasonable

    Has Bill Nemitz renewed his driver’s license lately? Is he aware of the documentation you need to simply renew a license? You need to prove not only that you are a resident of the state but also a legal resident of the United States, and then pay for the license. I suggest it is not […]