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Black and white Allagash Rolleiflex photos -
Gabe Souza/Staff Photographer |
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The woods on the banks of the Allagash River provide a stark, serene scene, as photographed on a Rolleiflex film camera.
Black and white Allagash Rolleiflex photos -
Gabe Souza/Staff Photographer |
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Hope Kelly stands in the kitchen where she spent at least two hours as more than a half-dozen Maine game wardens searched her home during a 2014 sting operation. The wardens removed 110 jars of her home-canned fruits and vegetables and 36 jars of moose meat. The meat was never proven to be illegally obtained, but it didn't matter: All Kelly ever got back was 33 pints of the garden goods. "I'm assuming they ate" the rest, she says.
Black and white Allagash Rolleiflex photos -
Gabe Souza/Staff Photographer |
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Route 161 leading into Allagash was a tunnel of pine trees and snow in February. One of the most remote parts of the state, the area is often subjected to bitter cold, harsh winds and intense snowstorms. This was photographed with black and white film on a Rolleiflex camera.
Black and white Allagash Rolleiflex photos -
Gabe Souza/Staff Photographer |
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Carter McBreairty poses for a portrait at his Allagash home near dusk. McBreairty and his first cousin, once removed were the targets of a near two-year long undercover Warden Service operation that had a covert agent staying at McBreairty's house for days at a time. McBreairty was convicted of several charges, most connected with having had his girlfriend tag a dear he had shot. This was photographed with black and white film on a Rolleiflex camera.
Black and white Allagash Rolleiflex photos -
Gabe Souza/Staff Photographer |
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Reid Caron poses for a portrait in the dooryard of his Allagash home. Caron, along with other members of the Allagash community, were the target of a two-year undercover investigation by Maine Game Wardens. Caron was arrested for hunting moose at night.
Black and white Allagash Rolleiflex photos -
Gabe Souza/Staff Photographer |
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The sun peeks through clouds over the vast expanse of wilderness that is Irving Woodlands north of Allagash. This was photographed with black and white film on a Rolleiflex camera.
Black and white Allagash Rolleiflex photos -
Gabe Souza/Staff Photographer |
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A beer can sits in a pile of snow to keep it cold outside Carter McBreairty's home in Allagash. On the weekends, McBreairty returns from his job in midcoast Maine and likes to tinker around his house or the nearby woods and drink beer to ease aches and pains from numerous work accidents over the years. This was photographed with black and white film on a Rolleiflex camera.
Black and white Allagash Rolleiflex photos -
Gabe Souza/Staff Photographer |
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Jess McBreairty, the subject of an undercover sting by Maine Game Wardens, smokes a hand rolled cigarette as he wakes up in his trailer in Allagash Sunday, February 14, 2016. McBreairty lives in poverty, eating many meals at friends' homes just to get by. This was photographed with black and white film on a Rolleiflex camera.
Black and white Allagash Rolleiflex photos -
Gabe Souza/Staff Photographer |
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A logging truck barrels over the Allagash River toward the heart of the tiny town of Allagash. This was photographed with black and white film on a Rolleiflex camera.