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    Larry Matthews Jr. and Franco Tucker team up at Back Bay Grill - Jill Brady/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Larry Matthews Jr., right, owner/chef at Back Bay Grill in Portland, and dishwasher Franco Tucker visit before the dinner hour kicks in at the restaurant. The two have worked together for more than 20 years.

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    Larry Matthews Jr. and Franco Tucker team up at Back Bay Grill - Jill Brady/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Tucker washes pots and other dishware during the dinner rush.

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    Larry Matthews Jr. and Franco Tucker team up at Back Bay Grill - Jill Brady/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Tucker collects dirty dishes and utensils from the busy kitchen as other employees work on dinner orders.

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    Larry Matthews Jr. and Franco Tucker team up at Back Bay Grill - Staff photo by Jill Brady | of | Share this photo

    Matthews plates food during a busy dinner hour.

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    Larry Matthews Jr. and Franco Tucker team up at Back Bay Grill - Jill Brady/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Tucker shells English peas for a salmon dish while helping to prep for dinner.

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    Larry Matthews Jr. and Franco Tucker team up at Back Bay Grill - Jill Brady/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Tucker wastes no time cleaning and clearing away dishes a role he's had at the restaurant for more than 20 years.

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    Larry Matthews Jr. and Franco Tucker team up at Back Bay Grill - Jill Brady/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Clean plates, napkins and order slips are ready for action at Back Bay Grill.
