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  • Published
    November 12, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Praise for ex-Soviet bloc countries overlooks their embrace of social programs

    I am writing to respond to the Nov. 5 letter by Lloyd Doughty, who recently came back from a European tour of some former Soviet bloc countries. He learned of their sad histories under the Soviet system of communism. One of the things that travel can offer is a keener sense of history of the […]

  • Published
    November 12, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Eastern European economies are nothing to emulate

    Letter writer Lloyd Doughty (“Don’t adopt socialist system that other nations have rejected,” Nov. 5) has made a rash estimation of Eastern European economies based on their self-promoting tours. The truth is that the economy of Hungary has been sputtering for some time, while Slovenia is another kleptocracy buoyed significantly by organized crime. Hungary is […]

  • Published
    November 12, 2019

    Letter to the editor: It’s our power line and serves our needs

    Whether or not CMP is still around, the environmental, infrastructure and tax benefits that accrue to our state from the western Maine project will continue for decades.

  • Published
    November 12, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act not benefiting small businesses

    I own and run Thyme & Honey Bakery, a small business in Biddeford. As a small-business owner, you might think that I would be glad that my senator, Susan Collins, cast a crucial vote for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Ignoring tax experts and her own constituents, she insisted that trillions of dollars of […]

  • Published
    November 12, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Think of the impact our decisions have on right whales

    Re: “Lobstermen vote against state’s right whale plan” (Nov. 9, Page A1): I can understand the lobstering community when they resist the state’s plan to protect the North Atlantic right whale. It is their livelihood that we, through our government, are tinkering with. I must, however, speak for the whales. There are only four hundred […]

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  • Published
    November 11, 2019

    Letter to the editor: They who send others off to war should learn from veterans

    Benjamin Franklin is quoted as having said: “Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other.” It would be wise for all who have power to consider themselves fools. If justice truly reigned, you would have to be a veteran of a war to be able to declare war. You would have […]

  • Published
    November 11, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Answer the call to serve again

    The greed, hate and environmental destruction we humans have enabled can be corrected if we take responsibility and take action.

  • Published
    November 11, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Collins’ ties to McConnell turn off former supporter

    Unfortunately, I will not be able to vote for Susan Collins again. It’s not her. It’s Mitch McConnell. A vote for Sen. Collins is a vote for keeping Mitch McConnell in the position of Senate majority leader. He is poisonously patrician and destructive to American governance. He must go. And, in so doing, so must […]

  • Published
    November 11, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Provide options to incarceration for people living with mental illness

    Maine’s legal system puts too many people living with a mental illness in jail for nuisance crimes. The majority of sheriffs in Maine are strong advocates for more mental health services, and do not want individuals living with a mental illness in jail for misdemeanor crimes. These arrests are often not cases where an officer […]

  • Published
    November 11, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Loud restaurants make for mediocre meals

    As a person with hearing loss, I try to choose restaurants that are not too noisy; this usually means no music. These places are hard to find. I have also learned that many people with normal hearing also prefer restaurants where you can have a quiet conversation with family or friends and not be blasted […]