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  • Published
    September 15, 2013

    Mark Latti: Maine’s hunting forecast offering a mixed bag

    Wondering what to expect this fall while out hunting? Read on and find out what the state’s wildlife biologists are saying about the upcoming hunting seasons. When it comes upland bird hunting, spring weather has the biggest impact on bird numbers. This spring, May was wetter than usual and if you lived in southern Maine, […]

  • Published
    September 15, 2013

    Birding: Why it’s either hello or bye-bye birdie

    One of the best-known quotations from the Greek philosopher Heraclitus is translated as “Everything flows, nothing stands still.” We always expect change. Of course the certainty of change applies to birds. Bird populations inevitably vary. Sometimes birds increase locally because particularly favorable conditions occur. For instance, a gypsy moth outbreak provides food for insect-eating birds, […]

  • Published
    September 15, 2013

    Best Bets

    UPCOMING Two Fly Contest Sept. 20 and 21, Bethel The Upper Andro Two Fly Contest and Northeast Drift Boat Championship will be held in conjunction with Bethel’s Annual Harvest Fest. The competitions are the annual fundraisers for the Upper Andro Anglers Alliance, a nonprofit group dedicated to the conservation and protection of the Upper Androscoggin […]

  • Published
    September 15, 2013

    Hunting: Cross off longer crossbow season

    I was perusing the pages on an old, yellowed newsprint publication recently — the February 1951 issue of Sportsmen’s Guide. Several things caught my attention, but one in particular was an item about how Maine sportsmen interested in hunting with bows and arrows had requested a special season set aside for them to hunt deer […]

  • Published
    September 15, 2013

    Allen Afield: The perfect time for a big catch

    As water temperatures drop below 70 degrees this coming week, trout and landlock fishing picks up for fly rodders and spin casters. The closer the thermometer gets to 60 to 63, the faster the action gets, and often in central Maine that golden time begins during the third week of September. And surely waters have […]

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  • Published
    September 15, 2013

    John Christie: Still time for a trek up Tunk

    There's still plenty of summer left – well, at least a week or so – so why not add this particular hike to your outdoors plans before it's too late.

  • Published
    September 9, 2013

    Maine lottery selects any-deer permit winners

    The permits allow the tagging of a doe or a buck with antlers less than 3 inches in length.

  • Published
    September 8, 2013

    Hunting: For greater good of deer herd, let hunting be in season

    A stirring in the understory caught my attention as a sleek doe materialized from under the dense green foliage. Her thin, long-haired coat was as red as a fox, and her face looked thin. Almost bare. My heart raced as I clipped my release onto my bow string and tensed the muscles of my arms […]

  • Published
    September 8, 2013

    Allen Afield: The road can go on forever for motorists and bicyclists

    The fall bicycling season begins in earnest now, a grand time of year for this crowd. Days often stay cool enough so pedalers don’t sweat a gallon, but the September sun offers enough warmth to allow us to bicycle in shorts and a short-sleeve shirt — except at dawn and during cold snaps. In books […]

  • Published
    September 8, 2013

    John Christie: A Greenville trek essential before summer ends

    As we hop on the bike this weekend for our time-honored and traditional trip to the Fly-In in Greenville, we feel that familiar late-summer twinge reminding us that there are so many adventures upon which we planned to embark this summer that remain unexplored that we’d better start making some serious fall plans. Every summer […]