lead poisoning
PublishedJune 18, 2024
Dollar Tree left lead-tainted applesauce pouches on store shelves for weeks after recall, FDA says
Children in 44 states had probable or confirmed cases of elevated blood lead levels after eating the applesauce pouches marketed for toddlers.
PublishedDecember 30, 2023
Opinion: Lead is a danger to us and wildlife
There are no safe levels of lead. We must remove it from our environment – and that includes banning its use for hunting.
PublishedApril 4, 2023
Maine to receive more than $62 million for drinking water upgrades
The funding will be used to replace lead service lines and address PFAS contamination.
PublishedApril 4, 2023
In a first, EPA survey puts a number on lead pipes around U.S.
A new survey of lead pipes across the United States estimates that Florida has more than any other state.
PublishedFebruary 25, 2023
Commentary: Efforts to protect Maine children from lead poisoning are working
The work of a host of individuals and groups has succeeded in cutting rates of lead poisoning by half in a 10-year period. Let’s move the needle further.
PublishedNovember 30, 2022
Lead hunting ammo is on the way out at Rachel Carson refuge
Use of lead hunting ammunition at the Wells refuge will be phased out over the next four years.
PublishedMay 6, 2022
Farmington-area schools canceled Friday due to high lead levels discovered in pipes
Nearly half of Regional School Unit 9's drinking-water fixtures have tested for levels of lead that exceed state guidelines.
PublishedApril 23, 2022
Commentary: Lead in water harms red states, too
Some 10 million lead pipes carry – and potentially contaminate – U.S. drinking water. By putting partisan politics aside, members of Congress could solve this.
PublishedFebruary 23, 2022
High lead levels detected in Bath schools’ drinking water not a worry, school official says
State testing showed the presence of lead in the drinking water of three Bath schools, but school officials blame that on water fountains being shut down during the pandemic.
PublishedFebruary 15, 2022
High lead levels found in Maine schools’ drinking water
About a third of the examined sites exceed federal limits as results of state-mandated testing begin to be reported.
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