PublishedFebruary 22, 2024
How do whales sing? Lab experiments suggest their voice boxes have a unique feature
Knowing the mechanics behind whale singing has long been a mystery. Scientists now think they have an idea.
PublishedOctober 6, 2023
Whales and dolphins in American waters are losing food and habitat to climate change, U.S. study says
A first-of-its-kind assessment says whales, dolphins and seals living in U.S. waters face major threats from the warming ocean temperatures, rising sea levels and decreasing sea ice associated with climate change.
PublishedAugust 10, 2023
Maine Voices: Entanglement isn’t just a right whale problem
Humpbacks, minkes and fin whales are consistently observed in Maine waters, and we have a legal obligation to keep them from becoming entangled in lobster gear.
PublishedJuly 27, 2023
‘Whale ballet’: Video shows 3 humpbacks jump in unison, a birthday surprise for man and daughters
Whale experts the aerial maneuvers may have been an attempt to remove parasites or aid digestion.
PublishedJuly 1, 2023
Dead whale found on the shore of Peaks Island
The Maine Marine Patrol identified the mammal discovered Saturday as a minke whale.
PublishedJune 23, 2023
Georgia congressman wants to block federal agency from slowing boats to protect endangered whales
U.S. Rep. Buddy Carter, a Republican whose district includes Georgia's 100-mile coast, said NOAA's proposed enhanced slowdown rules would be restrictive enough to cause charter fishing boats to quit the business and to disrupt the efficiency of busy seaports like the Port of Savannah.
PublishedApril 4, 2023
Bringing Lolita home: How to release a long-captive orca?
While advocates hope to bring Lolita to a whale sanctuary in the Pacific Northwest, they know she might never again swim freely with her endangered family, including the nearly century-old whale believed to be her mother.
PublishedMarch 20, 2023
Inbreeding emerges as critical problem for endangered orcas, researchers say
Female killer whales take about 20 years to reach peak fertility, and the females may not be living long enough to ensure the growth of their population.
PublishedFebruary 5, 2023
A whale veterinary scientist describes the plight of whales in unsparing detail
In 'We are All Whalers,' scientist Michael J. Moore lays the blame on all of us.
PublishedFebruary 1, 2023
Vessel strike blamed for humpback whale’s death in New York
Officials said the whale's level of decomposition indicated that it had died several days before washing ashore, contradicting early reports that the animal had beached itself while it was alive.