Signs advocating voting “no” on Question 1 populate our roads. There are two signs; where did they come from?

One instructs us to “Trust Our Wildlife Biologists.” The larger sign instructs us to “Save Maine’s Bear Hunt.” Let’s take that sign first.

Definitions of “hunt” include “to chase and kill (wild animals) for food or pleasure” and “to search for something or someone very carefully.”

Where’s the “hunt” in hounding, baiting and trapping? Why not just stick bears in a pen? Please, reword that sign to read: “Save Maine’s Bait, Sit ‘N’ Wait, and Kill Industry.”

It may be that some people now advocating trust in “our biologists” may tell you that global warming is “bad science” or that leading world climate scientists are “making it up.”

Are Maine’s wildlife biologists more trustworthy than leading scientists, or is it just that people trust those saying what they want to hear?

Jeff Christiansen


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