Maine folks, I hope you realize how fortunate we are in these hard times to have a governor who cares for our state and its people. That man is Paul LePage.

He has:

 Lowered our income taxes.

 Uncovered fraud in state government and is working hard to eliminate it.

 “Declared war” on domestic violence.

 Paid back the huge bill the state owed our hospitals, ignored by previous governors.


 Reduced the welfare caseload by 41 percent. If present trends were to continue, Maine would, very soon, have more welfare recipients than private-sector workers. Widespread fraud causes this. Less fraud equals more money for the people who really need welfare.

 Ensured better lives for Maine people.

 Ensured sound financial status for our state.

 Created an attractive atmosphere for new and existing businesses.

 Preserved, protected and defended the Maine and U.S. constitutions.

I encourage you, Maine folks, to re-elect Republican Gov. Paul LePage.

Phillip N. Kupelian


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