Gov. LePage is an embarrassment to this state. He hasn’t accomplished very much (other than great tax breaks for those who needed it the least) because, as he’s shown over and over again, he is not a team player.

We need a governor who knows how to work with those who may not agree with him. That, unfortunately, cannot be said about our present governor.

And remember 2010. The polling numbers are clear, so you know that Eliot Cutler has no chance of winning. But he has a very good chance of pulling enough votes away from Democrat Mike Michaud to allow LePage to win again.

We cannot let that happen! We may not like how politics works, but we cannot ignore it.

Don’t be fooled again. The one candidate who can beat LePage is Michaud, and there will be no last-minute rush for Cutler, so make your vote count.

Halsey Snow


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